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New £7M research investment: Ulster University Partners with King’s College London to Lead on Investigative Mental Health Research in Northern Ireland

UK Research and Innovation has announced £7 million in funding to establish a research theme in Population Mental Health, as part of a new national research network Population Health Improvement UK (PHI-UK) where Ulster University will lead on Northern Ireland research.

Population Mental Health is one of four initial research themes in the network. These themes are operationalised through investments in research clusters that bring together universities, government organisations, voluntary organisations and community partnerships, across the UK.

Professor Gerard Leavey, Director Bamford Centre for Mental Health & Wellbeing at Ulster University and Co-Investigator will lead mental health research specifically in Northern Ireland as part of the research network, working in collaboration with the Public Health Agency, including community and voluntary sector organisations to better understand the determinants of severe mental illness and to prevent long-term physical illnesses in this population.

Professor Gerard Leavey said:
“We are delighted to contribute to this ambitious and imaginative project that brings together academics, communities, public health agencies, and experts by experience in order to improve mental health and prevent mental illness. We look forward to working with colleagues across the UK to achieve this.”

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