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Launch of the UKCRC Tissue Directory


Launch of the UKCRC Tissue directory

Do you store or use human samples and clinical data for your research? You can now register and search for samples online!

The UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre is an exciting new initiative to improve the use of human samples in research. To facilitate the need to locate samples for research, the Centre has created a Tissue Directory which will hold the information for collections across the UK. HSC R&D Division is one of a number of organisations that have come together to fund this initiative as the UKCRC Funders' Group. It is anticipated that other relevant projects funded by the UKCRC Funders will make appropriate use of the Directory, optimising the use of existing human tissue collections and associated clinical and sample handling data, whilst minimising duplication of effort.

To register or search for samples, visit The UKCRC are dedicated to making the process as straight forward as possible so if you have any feedback or questions, email, and look out for upcoming roadshows near you!

For more information about the UKCRC, please see the attached document.