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16 May 2024 - Integrating the findings of a QES with the findings of a systematic review of effectiveness

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Integrating the findings of a qualitative evidence synthesis (QES) with the findings of a review of intervention effects can offer many insights including potential reasons for variation in intervention outcomes. QES often generate theories and explanations for why and how interventions work from the perspectives of those delivering or using them; by integrating these theories with evidence on intervention effects, review teams can offer vital information to support implementation of review findings in practice settings. However guidance on the difficult task of integrating the different evidence types is limited and there are few worked examples of methods for integration. In this webinar Katy will illustrate a wide range of different options for integrating QES and intervention evidence, drawing on real integration examples. Through these examples Katy will illustrate the diversity of integration methods and tools and critically examine their strengths and limitations.

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