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Research into Parental Alcohol Misuse in NI

Research which aimed to study parental alcohol misuse was carried out by researchers at Queen’s University Belfast, as part of the HSC R&D Division’s commissioned programme.

In a study of 1,000 children and 1,097 parents between 2001 and 2011 the researchers showed that one in five parents were classified as ‘problem drinkers’ and these families experienced more separations and divorces. Their children were found to spend more time outside the home and felt less attachment to school. The report also showed that children developed clear strategies to help them cope with their parents’ drinking and highlights that schools and teachers should be more aware of these problems.

The report’s recommendations provides significant insight into the complex range of factors contributing to individual and family outcomes. These will result in greater awareness of what information is available; changes to the way data is recorded and shared; and in the way key services are run and support is delivered.

The research report was launched by the Chief Medical Office, Dr Michael McBride, at a conference attended by a wide range of delegates including academics and those who work in the community and voluntary sector.

For further details see the press release.

Please click here to download the full research reports and executive summaries.

To download the presentation from the launch please click> Dr Aisling McLaughlin